Capitol Riot /

Rep. Raskin in February: It’s Up to Congress to Disqualify Trump if He Wins, Creating Civil War Conditions


No greater sign they are completely resigned to a Trump victory, and now they’re just coping and deflecting it away.

If Trump wins with “Coat tails” in the House and Senate.

It has been obvious all along that Congress will disqualify Trump, should he win with a fully Democratic Congress.

It is up to Congress to enforce 14A.3, and it’s up to the voter to elect the Congress.

According to the Electoral Count Act, that is up to Congress to decide on Jan 6.

Trump would then go to court claiming that Congress had misinterpreted the section, but Harris would claim that the court should stay out of it because it’s a political question.

Raskin would be forced to watch “Disqualified” Trump elected regardless, and I’d want to be there for that.

If the Dems can’t cheat their way to a Presidential victory with the idiots they’re running, and they manage to get a single-seat majority in the House and Senate, their *only* chance to get Trump out is to see he isn’t seated.

One vote Republican majority in each house and a Trump win gives us relative sanity.

Where is your evidence this was raised by Trump’s campaign? Your blatant hatred of all things Trump is noted, and it’s comical to observe, in a sad way.

Jamie Raskin, the ranking member of the House Oversight committee and one of the lead Trump impeachment managers, is an “Unknown Congressman?” The fucking guy is in the news every other day.

Sure looks as if the Democrats are very, very scared of Donald J. Trump.