Articles categorized by "Dennis-Hasterman-Friends-Of-Podesta" /   P. 2

In 2004 Marc Dutroux was convicted of the kidnap, rape and murder of multiple young girls. Dutroux admitted to being part of a global child trafficking network. At least 27 witnesses died during his case in mysterious circumstances - this is their story -

In 2004 Marc Dutroux was convicted of the kidnap, rape and murder of multiple young girls. Dutroux admitted to being part of a global child trafficking network. At least 27 witnesses died during his case in mysterious circumstances - this is their story -


James Alefantis is in the White House at the same time of a White House Google Hangout on human trafficking pizzagate


60 Minutes on the Worldwide Pedophile Network. - YouTube

There's a lot of evidence for p-gate, despite the baseless dismissals - conspiracy

There's a lot of evidence for p-gate, despite the baseless dismissals - conspiracy


List of times the government admitted Pizzagate is real pizzagate


Explosive new evidence links Tony Podesta, James Alefantis, Jimmy Savile and abuse victim Kim Noble to same British medical foundation. Welcome to Tavistock.


American Empire Exposed: The “Finders” Cult: A CIA Front Caught Red-Handed in 1987 Trafficking Child Sex Slaves in Global Operation

Maddie McCann detective Kevin Halligen found dead in mysterious circumstances. - conspiracy

Maddie McCann detective Kevin Halligen found dead in mysterious circumstances. - conspiracy


Pearl Harbor Was A "False Flag" : conspiracy

CPS Worker drops off a girl at James Alefantis’ Pegasus Museum. Viewable now on Google Maps. : conspiracy

CPS Worker drops off a girl at James Alefantis’ Pegasus Museum. Viewable now on Google Maps. : conspiracy

Why do the shills downvote and discredit anything related to PizzaGate? It seems like a subject they like to attack the most. - conspiracy

Why do the shills downvote and discredit anything related to PizzaGate? It seems like a subject they like to attack the most. - conspiracy

John Podesta is Chester Bennington's father and he didn't commit suicide - conspiracy

John Podesta is Chester Bennington's father and he didn't commit suicide - conspiracy


Fully Sourced Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence pizzagate


The Truth Has No Bias: The Real Origins Of /r/Pizzagate

This image was taken down yesterday due to rule 8. This is not a random triangle in "The Mighty Ducks". It's a FBI pedo symbol. Brock Pierce, a child actor in the movie was recruited into the Digital Entertainment Network, a front for a pedo ring that was

This image was taken down yesterday due to rule 8. This is not a random triangle in "The Mighty Ducks". It's a FBI pedo symbol. Brock Pierce, a child actor in the movie was recruited into the Digital Entertainment Network, a front for a pedo ring that was

Comet Ping pong under investigation for CP that was found by a hacker : conspiracy

Comet Ping pong under investigation for CP that was found by a hacker : conspiracy


Voat pizzagate researcher, Ryan O'Neil, was contacted via phone/Facebook by James Alefantis and threatened with his life, after linking a post location to the "Pegasus museum", a property of James'. James forced him to remove the post, and told him to "pa

James Alefantis Threatens PizzaGate Researcher Ryan A. O'Neal

James Alefantis Threatens PizzaGate Researcher Ryan A. O'Neal


Dear Pizzagate Deniers: Shill Time is Over - conspiracy


Lolita Express pasenger log

Just a year ago, this was fake news. (Lolita Express Flight Manifest ft. Kevin Spacey) : conspiracy

Just a year ago, this was fake news. (Lolita Express Flight Manifest ft. Kevin Spacey) : conspiracy


CIA - 'We Supply Pedophiles with Children' : conspiracy