Articles categorized by "Jacksonville"

Jacksonville: OK, I've seen the video footage of the black guy with the headphones. And in the video, we can see the red laser scope. So... not to be a dickhole, but why have we not see any video of anyone actually getting shot? : conspiracy

Jacksonville: OK, I've seen the video footage of the black guy with the headphones. And in the video, we can see the red laser scope. So... not to be a dickhole, but why have we not see any video of anyone actually getting shot? : conspiracy

Jacksonville Gunman's Father was Engineer in NASA's "Instrument Electronics Development Branch" : conspiracy

Jacksonville Gunman's Father was Engineer in NASA's "Instrument Electronics Development Branch" : conspiracy

Jacksonville shooter showed all the earmarks of a Manchurian Candidate style preprogrammed asset. : conspiracy

Jacksonville shooter showed all the earmarks of a Manchurian Candidate style preprogrammed asset. : conspiracy

Drill going on by Jacksonville Police at the same time of the shooting. Happens every time. : conspiracy

Drill going on by Jacksonville Police at the same time of the shooting. Happens every time. : conspiracy


"There was ACTUALLY a Training With JFRD During The Time of the Shooting" Isn't That Just Convenient That a Training Exercise Was Happening at the Same Place and Time of The Jacksonville Shooting Today. : conspiracy


Jacksonville Mass Shooting - Training Session During the Madden Tournament - YouTube

Jacksonville Landing shooting: How it unfolded minute by minute on social networks - CNN

Jacksonville Landing shooting: How it unfolded minute by minute on social networks - CNN


Hotep Jesus ? on Twitter: "Training at the time of the shooting media reports.