Articles categorized by "Trump-Dossier" /   P. 2


New Texts Reveal FBI's Peter Strzok Had Relationship With Recused Judge In Flynn Case Zero Hedge

Wikileaks Drops Bombshell on Steele Dossier: DNC Colluded with MSM Mole Who Launched Scheme – True PunditTrue Pundit

Wikileaks Drops Bombshell on Steele Dossier: DNC Colluded with MSM Mole Who Launched Scheme – True PunditTrue Pundit

In light of the Grassley memo: The 7th Floor Group and Assange : conspiracy

In light of the Grassley memo: The 7th Floor Group and Assange : conspiracy

So FBI... You were paying Carter Page as an undercover operative to spy on Russians. And then you got him to join the Trump campaign. Then you tell the FISA court that PAGE is a Russian spy. So you can get a warrant to spy on Trump. And you never tell the

So FBI... You were paying Carter Page as an undercover operative to spy on Russians. And then you got him to join the Trump campaign. Then you tell the FISA court that PAGE is a Russian spy. So you can get a warrant to spy on Trump. And you never tell the

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : What the FBI/FISA Memo Really Tells Us About Our Government

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : What the FBI/FISA Memo Really Tells Us About Our Government


The Ugly Truth in the Nunes Memo - Truthdig: Expert Reporting, Current News, Provocative Columnists

Grassley-Graham Memo: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Lied to FBI, FBI Didn't Tell FISA Court - Breitbart

Grassley-Graham Memo: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Lied to FBI, FBI Didn't Tell FISA Court - Breitbart

Carter Page was an FBI plant who was used in FISA memo to spy on Trump : conspiracy

Carter Page was an FBI plant who was used in FISA memo to spy on Trump : conspiracy

Nunes Memo Accidentally Confirms the Legitimacy of the FBI’s Investigation

Nunes Memo Accidentally Confirms the Legitimacy of the FBI’s Investigation


America’s Civil War : conspiracy


If the Steele Dossier, is only a "4chan LARP", how has "Somebody's already been killed as a result of the publication of this dossier"? : conspiracy


Why isn't the conspiracy surrounding the Steele dossier a bigger issue on this subreddit? : conspiracy