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American Stasi: Tulsi Gabbard Confirms "Quiet Skies" Nightmare


Tuesday night, while self-styled Democratic nominee Kamala Harris pledged to defend “Freedom, compassion, and the rule of law” to cheers in Philadelphia, Hawaii’s Tulsi Gabbard described being tracked by teams of government agents in a surveillance regime more reminiscent of East Germany than a free country.

Whistleblowing Air Marshals told Uncover DC Gabbard was singled out as a terror threat under the so-called “Quiet Skies” program, and the former presidential candidate says she noticed.

First on a flight from Rome to Dallas, then a connecting flight to Austin, and later on different flights for both to cities like Nashville, Orlando, and Atlanta, their boarding passes were marked with the “SSSS” designation, which stands for “Secondary Security Screening Selection.” The “Quad-S” marker is often a sign the traveler has been put on a threat list, and Gabbard and Williams were forced into extensive “Random” searches lasting as long as 45 minutes.

“The TSA agent said, ‘Why are you Quad-S? You’re in the military,’” explains Gabbard.

The agent told her he’d encountered supporters of a certain former president who’d had no issues traveling before, but were now “Marked quad-S every time they traveled.” Gabbard shrugged and slogged through, still encountering extra security.

According to LaBosco Gabbard is unaware she has two Explosive Detection Canine Teams, one Transportation Security Specialist, one plainclothes TSA Supervisor, and three Federal Air Marshals on every flight she boards.

Uncover DC said Gabbard was initially placed on the list on July 23rd, and that trios of Air Marshals first began following her on flights on July 25th. As Racket would learn, surveillance was conducted on at least eight flights, with different three-Marshal teams for each flight, part of the Transportation Security Administration “Quiet Skies” regimen that can literally surround people with human watchers.

The story about Gabbard was surfaced by two TSA whistleblowers, including one detailed to follow her.

Neither Gabbard nor, apparently, the whistleblowing Marshals know why the former congresswoman would be on a terror watch list.

The day before her reported placement on the TSA list, Gabbard appeared on the Ingraham Angle and criticized the “Proxy war” in Ukraine, saying the administration was selling the public “Crap” excuses for expanding its military commitment, with intent to turn Ukraine into “Another Afghanistan.” A debate clash in the 2020 primary was also a factor in ending Harris’ run that year, featuring the viral line: “She put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when asked if she ever smoked.”

Gabbard’s account squares with LaBosco’s description of how Quiet Skies works.

The firm represented an Air Marshal in another ugly Quiet Skies case two years earlier, and though Cuffari’s IG office promised in January 2023 to investigate, there’s no evidence it ever did, making the Gabbard story more troubling.