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SDG16: Part 1 — Building the Global Police State


"Human rights" are nothing like "Inalienable rights.”

Inalienable rights, unlike human rights, are not bestowed upon us by any governing authority.

No one-no government, no intergovernmental organisation, no human institution or human ruler-can ever legitimately claim the right to grant or deny our inalienable rights.

Beyond the preamble, the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights concerns itself exclusively with "Human rights." But asserting, as it does, that human rights are some sort of expression of inalienable rights is a fabrication-a lie.

Under the UN's system of "Human rights," human beings are not considered to have any inalienable rights.

The bottom line is that what the UN calls "Human rights" are not "Rights" of any kind at all.

Make no mistake, the UN wants us to accept that the eradication of our ostensible human rights is a way of protecting those same human rights whenever we face potential "Harm.”

The UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution which inveighed against "The increasing and far-reaching negative impact on the enjoyment and realization of human rights of the deliberate creation and dissemination of false or manipulated information intended to deceive and mislead audiences, either to cause harm or for personal, political or financial gain.”

Clearly, the "Enjoyment" of "Human rights" does not extend to enjoying the alleged human rights of free speech or freedom of expression.

Partnership can promote a more effective, coherent, representative and accountable global governance regime, which should ultimately translate into better national and regional governance [and] the realization of human rights and sustainable development[.

For Harvard scholars, it means a set of global organisations, such the International Criminal Court, the World Trade Organization, regional human rights courts, and the United Nations, etc.

The UN is a corrupt "Global governance regime." It continues to deceive the global population about the acres of separation between so-called "Human rights" and our real "Inalienable rights," which it studiously ignores and wilfully subverts.