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The Secretive Inventor Of The Navy's Bizarre 'UFO Patents' Finally Talks


Over the last six months, The War Zone has been deeply reporting on a set of bizarre patents assigned to the U.S. Navy.

Are the Salvatore Pais patents simply proactive, hoping to get ahead of the game for when or if these technologies actually become feasible? Are they part of a misinformation campaign designed to lead America's adversaries on a fruitless wild goose chase? Could they be an attempt by the Navy to try to emulate seemingly unexplained craft with incredible capabilities that its personnel have encountered? Could the Navy really be on the verge of changing human technological progress as we know it? Or maybe they even represent a breakthrough that has already occurred.

Dr. Pais recently published a new academic paper in the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science journal detailing his work on his Plasma Compression Fusion Device.

IEEE.ORG. The IEEE publication states that Dr. Pais is no longer with NAVAIR/NAWCAD, but now works at the U.S. Navy Strategic Systems Programs.

If Dr. Pais's patents were relevant, feasible, and if some of them were in actual testing as the Naval Air System's Chief Technology Officer assured the USPTO, why would that effort be stymied by a transfer to another unit?

The War Zone has reached out to the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division and the U.S. Navy Office of Information to request more information about Dr. Salvatore Pais's patents and a formal interview with Dr. Pais.

Salvatore Cezar Pais, Ph.D. A.D. MMXIX. The email from Dr. Pais makes it clear that the inventor stands fully behind the science underlying these inventions, as radical as they sound.

As we have explored in previous articles on Dr. Pais's work, all of the patents stem from what the inventor is now calling the "Pais Effect," the "Controlled motion of electrically charged matter subjected to accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin, via rapid acceleration transients.”

Despite Dr. Pais's insistence that the Pais Effect is indeed a real phenomenon and the assurance that NAVAIR's Chief Technology Officer gave the USPTO, we have been unable to find a single scientist or engineer who can corroborate the claims made in Dr. Pais's patents.

To help contextualize Dr. Pais's most recent patent and academic publication for the plasma compression fusion device, The War Zone spoke with Carl Willis, a nuclear engineer and reactor supervisor at the University of New Mexico who also serves as Senior Research Engineer for Verus Research, a company that is working on an advanced dense plasma focus fusion neutron source for the Army, a technology Willis says Verus does not view as "a competitive approach to a fusion power plant, or a competitor in any meaningful sense toward anything Dr. Pais is working on for that matter.”

As we continue to report on the extraordinary claims of Dr. Salvatore Pais and the inventions he has patented on behalf of the Navy, we continue to find scientists who suggest that the intended audience of these patents may not be the scientific or aerospace communities as these patents and their supporting publications contain what most would call pseudoscience and empty jargon.

Maybe the research and patents of Dr. Salvatore Pais are a beginning attempt at the realization of this very long term goal.