Global 2000, Agenda 201, 2030 Aganda /

The World Government


The World Government – Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This is an outdated, and incomplete diagram of the One World Government/ New World Order (NWO). Whomever compiled it took much time doing so, as it is very detailed. A black and white 24×36 inch copy on paper will cost $2-3. Missing on the map is Big Pharma/ Medical industry, the military industrial complex (MIC), and probably others.
Changes in the diagram since I recieved it include, but not limited to: Lehman Bros is gone. Bank of America absent. Switzerland no longer is a tax haven (Fiscal Paradise). Argentina being absent. Thaskin Shin absent – linked with Charoen Pokphand (Thailand). UAE is a tax haven (Fiscal Paradise). absent G20, EU, and SCO label tags.