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UFOs and Aliens Are (Probably) Not What You Think: An Interview with Diana Walsh Pasulka ━ The European Conservative

// europeanconservative.com

Diana Walsh Pasulka never imagined that her scholarly work in the field of religion would lead her to skulking around in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico, with one of the world's top scientists and a former high NASA official.

Whatever the 'aliens' really are, it is startling to discover that many of the most informed people in the UFO world doubt that they are creatures from other planets.

Encounters: Experiences With Nonhuman Intelligences, profiles a wide range of people who for various reasons have been drawn into the shadowy and mysterious world of UFOs, and whose testimonies move the phenomenon out of narrowly-drawn scientific categories, and well into the world of the religious and the paranormal.

People saw orbs, discs, and basically things that surprised them, flying around in the skies.

There, I heard people talking about aerial phenomena and describing the same experiences described by European Catholics of the past.

Today, people do the same thing, but now we live in an ostensibly 'secular' society and have achieved flight, so when people see unidentified aerial phenomena, they think of drones or something like stealth aircraft, and maybe UFOs.

The most sophisticated people who study UFOs/UAPs, from what I can surmise, do not make conclusions about the nature of the phenomena.

When I discovered that what European Catholics had experienced and described about aerial phenomena, in specific details, was occurring today, to people who had no knowledge of European Catholic iconography or history-well, I was shocked.

I believe that the reason that the more religious or spiritual aspects of these events don't show up in reports of UFOs is that the people who take the reports of them don't think they are important, or, they don't consider them to be data related to the event.

People like José, and Gray Man think of their experiences and sightings as being spiritual.

She often uses the example of the French Revolution, where the people demanded the freedom to learn and read, the freedom to access knowledge, with what is happening now with AI. She sees this time in human history as a very propitious time, when masses of people will have access to life-changing and elevating technology that will improve their lives.

We are now finding that certain practices within those traditions, like prayer and acting for the benefit of others, have transformative benefits to not only communities, but to the people performing these practices.