Articles categorized by "Dennis-Hasterman-Friends-Of-Podesta" /   P. 3


Our society is a fucking joke. - pol

HOLY SH*T. Hillary lived next door to Harvey Weinstein! (wikileaks) : conspiracy

HOLY SH*T. Hillary lived next door to Harvey Weinstein! (wikileaks) : conspiracy

Sexual Predator Harvey Weinstein made 13 visits to the White House between 2010 and 2014 meeting Crooked Politicians around the time Podesta had huge influence in the White House : conspiracy

Sexual Predator Harvey Weinstein made 13 visits to the White House between 2010 and 2014 meeting Crooked Politicians around the time Podesta had huge influence in the White House : conspiracy


Washingtonian article on the Comet gunman posted hours before it happened. - conspiracy


2012ronpaul2012 comments on Roger Stone Just Called Out John Podesta As A Pedophile On Twitter!


Rothschilds Implicated In Elite Pedophile Ring Investigation World Truth.TV


Evidence Linking Several Los Angeles Record Labels, Venues and MILEY CYRUS to massive Sex Abuse 'Pizza' Cult directly connected to Comet Ping Pong pizzagate


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WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails - TOny Podesta saying he's still in touch with other molesters

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails - TOny Podesta saying he's still in touch with other molesters

Podesta pal and child rapist Dennis Hastert is scheduled to be released from prison after only serving 13 months. : conspiracy

Podesta pal and child rapist Dennis Hastert is scheduled to be released from prison after only serving 13 months. : conspiracy

It disturbs me that we never got a proper resolution to Pizzagate. I'm convinced it deals with legit nonhuman and real supernatural elements. We tapped the nest of something so dark we'll never fathom the true extent of it. The medias lockstep approach to

It disturbs me that we never got a proper resolution to Pizzagate. I'm convinced it deals with legit nonhuman and real supernatural elements. We tapped the nest of something so dark we'll never fathom the true extent of it. The medias lockstep approach to

John Podesta Talks About His "Evil Twin" Skippy  HuffPost

John Podesta Talks About His "Evil Twin" Skippy HuffPost

John Podesta (AKA Skippy) Link to Sister Cathy Cesnik’s Murder? (Updated)  truthearth

John Podesta (AKA Skippy) Link to Sister Cathy Cesnik’s Murder? (Updated) truthearth


Pizzagate logo in a video from 2001 (they was an organized pedophile ring that included 70 thousand members at least 15 years ago) : conspiracy


On The Legitimacy Of This Investigation (with an important message to fellow journalists I know are lurking on this sub) : pizzagate


James Alefantis lived at the same address as Randall Rothschild, who was managing director at "Blackstone". I'm really starting to believe this guy really could be a Rothschild. Would explain all the media protection for a measly pizza parlor owner. : con


Understanding Pizzagate — Steemit

DC Police chief is friend with Alefantis; this investigator found a picture of them together in front of a poster reading "We stand with Comet". That very same police chief "mishandled" case of multiple men raping 11-yr-old child : conspiracy

DC Police chief is friend with Alefantis; this investigator found a picture of them together in front of a poster reading "We stand with Comet". That very same police chief "mishandled" case of multiple men raping 11-yr-old child : conspiracy


IMPORTANT: Located the child in the torture "fatherhood" video - you can see a child in the bathtub. Here are screenshots pizzagate

The Nose Knows, and it's all coming together. The recent Japan arrests now allow us to piece together exactly what happened at "Camp Nose" : conspiracy

The Nose Knows, and it's all coming together. The recent Japan arrests now allow us to piece together exactly what happened at "Camp Nose" : conspiracy


BOMBSHELL: Solving The Puzzle – “It’s DynCorp behind the mass shootings you see in America”